The benefits of technology enabled care for those living with dementia

As part of the NHS Care City Test Bed, Canary Care worked with the North East London Foundation Trust and the four local authorities that the Trust partners with (Barking & Dagenham, Waltham Forest, Redbridge, and Havering), to demonstrate the benefits of technology enabled care for those living with dementia.

Care City developed the Test Bed with the hopes that new technologies would be rolled out across the NHS community. Canary Care was used in Cluster 3 of the test bed - Carer Resilience. The Canary Care motion sensors and door sensors were placed around the home to identify deviations in the activities of a client and to send alerts to that client’s carers. For example, if the data suggests, that an external door has been left open, the client is not using the kitchen, the client is not spending the night in their bedroom, or the client has fallen etc.

“The testing we conducted generated a lot of learning, which is now put to work, improving services in East London and helping solutions to spread beyond our locality.” – Care City

A case study is available for download, which describes the experience of one family who used Canary Care to help keep an eye on their elderly mother (Mary) who has severe dementia.

“It’s good peace of mind; it’s great to be able to keep an eye on where she is and what she is doing.” — Mrs Smith, Carer using Canary Care for her elderly mother, Essex

Find out more about the programme on the Care City website.


Canary Care achieves Enovation UMO certification


Now available in one and two sensor packages